3121 Springbank Ln Ste B, Charlotte, NC 28226-3347

Your first visit to Family Spine Center establishes a vital foundation for our relationship with you. During the first visit, we make sure to obtain important background information, like medical history, and give you time to get to know your chiropractor. To understand what to expect for your first visit to our practice, please read through this page. You’ll find all the practical information you need, such as a map and directions to our office, practice hours, payment policies and more. There's also background information about our committed staff and our first visit procedures. You can even save some time at your first visit by printing out and completing the patient forms in advance of your appointment.

Mission Statement

At The Family Spine Center, we realize we are only here because of you, the patients. Our mission is to do whatever is necessary to help you with your goals in becoming healthier, happier, more active and, most importantly, pain free.

What to expect on your first visit

New Patient Form:
You didn't think you were going to get out of paperwork did you? Seriously, a few short forms are all that are necessary to obtain general information about all of our new patients. I promise you won't spend half your day filling out paperwork. Trust us, you'll see.
The next important step is recording and evaluating your health history. The consultation indicates to both the doctor and the patient what options are to be explored.
Following the consultation, a very thorough chiropractic examination is given which includes various orthopedic and neurological test. All tests are non-invasive and help Dr. Matt determine if you are a candidate for chiropractic care.
An x-ray is like a life size blueprint. The Family Spine Center uses state-of-the-art x-ray equipment that delivers the lowest possible dosage when such a view is necessary. Dr. Robertson uses the x-ray to view the structure and alignment, or misalignment (subluxation) of the bones in your spine. Why x-rays? "To see is to know, not to see is to guess, we do not want to guess when it comes to your health."
Reccomended Action Plan
After Dr. Robertson thoroughly reviews and evaluates the results of his examination and x-rays, he devotes the time to review and explain his findings with the patient. Each reccomended action plan is specific to each individual case and recommendations for treatment are mutually agreed upon.

Patient Forms

Please print and fill out these forms so we can expedite your first visit:

  • Coming soon

In order to view or print these forms you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. Click here to download it.


Our office is located across from the Arboretum Shopping Center in South Charlotte.